I'm sitting in our hotel in Madrid waiting for Penn to be ready (no surprise there) and I've realized that this is probably my last chance to blog before we head home for the first time in what feels like an eternity. Sorry I haven't been blogging during our whirlwind Europe tour, but I think the pictures on Facebook are an even more descriptive medium than the blog itself.
We said goodbye to Jule and Kyle yesterday in Segovia after a lovely few days in Salamanca and Segovia. Jules was the perfect tour guide and we were able to just enjoy our time. We especially enjoyed the 0.85 Euro canas, little beers that you can drink with your tapas. We're going to run around Madrid a little this morning before we fly back to Rome and stay in Orvieto for one last night.
It's been a strange last week or so far me while I switch back into USA mode and think about real life. We can't wait to see everyone and to break bread with you again! See you on the flip side...